27 June 2019

ERP connection and two-factor authentication for BL Banking Web

The upcoming version of the EBICS web application BL Banking Web will include a function to automatically pick up outgoing payments.

In addition, the application supports two-factor authentication (2FA).

Automated picking up of payment files from external systems

If outgoing payments are provided by ERP systems or other external programs, these can now be imported automatically with the new directory monitoring for being transferred to the bank.

The file interface of BL Banking Web allows a flexible configuration for the transfer of externally created payment files. In addition to the directory to be monitored, the bank connection to be used, a file filter and the order type can be configured. Furthermore, by specifying an archive directory, the transferred files are archived in any directory.

A tabular overview of the orders ready for transfer to the banks allows the selection of one or more files. Before signing, payment details including the accompanying ticket can be viewed. By entering the password, the users confirm the action and the files are sent.

Two-factor authentication

In future, users of BL Banking Web will be able to use the two-factor authentication via security key.

The notably user-friendly USB token YubiKey from Yubico is used as the hardware. Using the security key is very simple: at the push of a button, a secure one-time password for the program is generated in a separate input field and then validated accordingly.

The YubiKey does not require the installation of any additional software or hardware. Once registered, you will need this individual USB token for logging in, signing payments and all other password related actions.