BL SEPA Container Tool

The carefree software for data processing centres to transfer SEPA files on behalf of customers

For data processing centres (DPC/SRZ), transferring customer payments to banks could be a simple matter. But when SEPA was introduced there were a few additional requirements that must be complied with.

With the SEPA Container Tool you no longer have to worry about creating correct container files and can concentrate fully on your processes.

A program for all formats

No matter which SEPA format version your customers use, the SEPA Container Tool creates the correct files for you.

All relevant formats of The German Banking Industry Committee according to Appendix 3, Specification of Data Formats of the DFÜ Agreement are supported.

The container files correspond to the standards for

  • pain.001 credits, SEPA versions 2.3 to 3.x
  • pain.008 direct debits, SEPA versions 2.4 to 3.x

Hash value calculation — but the right way

After merging XML files, you need the correct hash value to create a valid SEPA container file.

What on the one hand is a big advantage of XML files, becomes on the other hand a problem: the flexibility of the formatting. Two XML files can, for example, be considered the same if the only difference is the use of spaces and line breaks.

With the SEPA Container Tool, you avoid all of the traps and do not leave the correct detection of hash values for all characteristics of customer files to chance.

Integration in any system environment

The program runs under Windows, Linux and macOS and can be integrated into any system environment thanks to the easy installation.

By invoking via command line, using cron job/scheduler, by script or from other programs, the software is ideal for integrating into the company’s business processes.


The BL SEPA Container Tool can be purchased directly from Business-Logics for the price of EUR 4,100 (net).

To order, please complete the order form and send it by email, post or fax to the address or fax number shown on the form.

A demo version is available on request.