Standard in motion
The EBICS process, which exists since 2006, is continuously being developed. There are changes not only in the supported formats, but especially in the underlying concept, too. In addition to basic knowledge, we also provide an overview of all current developments, e.g.
- EBICS in the version 3.0 as a harmonized standard for Austria, France, Germany and Switzerland
- Extension with WebSocket server for real-time notifications
- SCT Inst real-time transfers
Possibilities of today and strategies for tomorrow
With the right concept to the proper system architecture.
Good solutions include many aspects in the planning, e.g. for the operation of the server systems or the variety of the customer software offered. Based on the status quo, different approaches to solutions are examined.
- Bank-side bundling of EBICS interfaces, e.g. for corporate banking, standard and real-time clearing
- Interaction of clients, servers, as well as third-party systems
- Options for customer connection: standard clients, automation, portal solutions, mobile apps
Your topics
The contents of the seminar are based on your priorities. Together with our EBICS experts, we develop individual problem solutions with you.
- For the management of functional and technical departments
- Development of concrete objectives under consideration of given conditions
- Relaxed atmosphere for efficient working
Dates and registration
Our seminars for decision-makers are available in German and English and take place either at our location in Hilden, at your site, or per remote session. For your booking at a fixed rate you may use our order form.
To arrange the topics and an appointment, please contact our sales department.