At present SEPA is the predominant issue in the field of payments for enterprises and banks in Germany. The migration of the payment transaction systems for the generation and processing of SEPA formats slated for February 1st, 2014 causes investments and efforts for all involved parties. Should SEPA not be available on time, a breakdown of electronic payments could be the consequence.
If the SEPA cutoff date cannot be met, it is recommendable to cater for all circumstances by employing an adequate converter software. With the BL DTAUS‑SEPA‑Converter DTAUS files can be converted reliably into SEPA transfers and debits. All SEPA formats of "The German Banking Industry Committee" in the versions 2.4 to 2.7 are available as target formats. The software is offered to companies as a desktop version and a command line program and provides sufficient time for the necessary migration to SEPA.
The BL DTAUS‑SEPA‑Converter safely generates the values of IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and BIC (Business Identifier Code or SWIFT-Code) needed in SEPA environments from the account data of the DTAUS file according to the complete rules of the German Bundesbank.
Mandate information needed for SEPA debits is not included in DTAUS files, but can be provided easily for the conversion by a CSV file. However even without mandate data the converter is able to generate SEPA debits. A meaningful reporting shows users, which dummy values were used.
For banks, which would like to offer their customers in due time a suitable solution for the SEPA introduction, the BL DTAUS‑SEPA‑Converter is available with a multiple license. Especially the combination of the converter with the web application BL Format Check is very convenient. Bank employees then can easily give their customers access by emails sent by the system. The access to the web application is then provided by an individual link for each user.
With the web application mandate data for debits can either be uploaded via CSV file or comfortably entered via a browser interface. Also the system is able to save the entered data as mandate administration per user for subsequent conversions.
Furthermore the web application is able to validate the generated SEPA file directly in BL Format Check. Hence invalid values, for instance from the mandate administration, will be visible immediately and can be corrected right away with the application.
For the conversion of production data it is possible to run the desktop version locally with Java WebStart via a link on the web page. This way all data remain on the user's computer.
A demo version or time limited access to the online version are available upon request.